A Little of This and a Little of That

Around the house… My little sister hums to herself and I can hear my brother’s math lecture giving advice on Algebra.

Outside my window… The bright red leaves of our maple tree are barely holding on.  They scatter themselves on the fading green grass.  The mailman rumbles past our house.  I hope he brought something special 🙂

I am thankful for… My family: they are always there for me.

I am listening to… “Never for Nothing” Margaret Becker

I have enjoyed… editing photos for photography class and writing letters to our compassion children 🙂

I am reading… To Kill a Mockingbird“.  I am reading this for English class. So far, I love this book.  It has some powerful messages and lessons to learn.

I am looking forward to… packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! This is my favorite time of the year!

I am praying for… this country and the leaders that have so recently been elected.  I am also praying for the sweet, beautiful children of Reece’s Rainbow.

Here are some pictures from the week.  I have taken quite a few lately.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!



I am linking up with Blogging From the Boonies!